Brake for the Border
Brockweir Soapbox Derby
the rules
Click here to download a printable version
All entrants must raise over £100 in sponsorship to participate. All proceeds will go to Brockweir Community Interest Company for future shenanigans.
You may wish to raise funds on behalf of your own charity, which is of course fine, but you still have to contribute the £100 to Brockweir CIC. We do have the event to pay for!
All drivers for the adult race must be 16 or over
All drivers for the Junior class must be under 16
Every cart should get at least 2 runs down the course
The catagories (so far) include:
Most stylish
Best Champagne Moment
Best team effort
Overall winner
Timings for the day to be confirmed.
General Conditions of Entry:
Senior drivers must complete and sign the Driver Consent Form with the entry form as part of the entry process.
Drivers under 18 must complete the Driver Consent Form and have their parent/guardian countersign it as part of the entry process.
Brockweir CIC / Soapbox Derby organising committee’s interpretation of the written rules and regulations shall be binding on the participant and the competition under their jurisdiction.
The organisers have the right to refuse entry or withdraw entry of any kart or driver if in their opinion they pose a threat of injury either to themselves or others.
A kart may be entered in the competition in more than one class, but must not have the same driver.
Each kart can be run by up to 2 separate drivers in the same class, e.g siblings or friends can share a kart.
A driver may only enter once in a class and may not enter more than one class.
Karts to be made available by 10am at the latest on the day of entry for rule and safety checks. Registration and checks open from approx 9am. Please arrive early, as if its busy we may start these checks earlier to get everyone through.
No changes to the kart, apart from repairs, will be allowed after the rules and safety check i.e the addition of extra weights etc.
All karts and drivers must pass the specification and safety checks to be able to compete and the scrutineer’s and event organiser’s decisions are final.
Running order will be given on race day, subject to the above.
Attendance at the pre-race Competitor Safety Briefing and Track Walk is compulsory. (This takes approx 30mins and will take place prior to the race commencing on the day).
No alcohol or illegal substances shall be consumed by any participants. Failure to adhere to this Rule will lead to automatic disqualification and Sponsorship will not be refunded.
Cart Specifications
Maximum length - 2500mm measured from front to rear
Maximum width - 1500mm measured from outside to outside.
Maximum weight - 100kg + driver.
There must be four wheels, positioned so all are in contact with the road in normal running.
Good brake mechanisms are essential, braking must operate on at least two wheels on the same axle - this is a steep hill, you'll need to stop! Brakes should not act by rubbing on the tyres or the road surface and should be usable without letting go of the steering control. Brakes must hold the Kart and driver staionary on a 20 degree slope.
Seats must be securely bolted to the cart. Drivers to remain seated at all times. Racers must face in the direction of travel, in a feet first position.
Roll bars are required only if a harness is fitted or if part of the vehicle is higher than the hips of the driver, otherwise they are optional but recommended. If you have roll bars then you must have a suitable harness. Roll bars should be substantial and be at least 35mm higher than the top of the driver's helmet when he is seated normally.
Any steering column, brake levers or other protrusions must be designed and fitted so the risk of puncture injuries is minimised. Carts must be 'pedestrian friendly' and not have nasty sharp and dangerous bits, particularly at the front!
Bodywork and controls must not impede the driver in exiting the vehicle unaided and any doors or hatches required for driver access should be easily opened from either side without the use of tools.
Carts must be powered by gravity alone - no sneaky motors, pedals or elastic bands!
Carts should have effective steering, (or you're in for a short race).
All carts should be fitted with a tow eye front and rear so we can tow you (and a friend) back up the hill for a second run.
Protective clothing including a full face motorcycle helmet, gloves, boots and heavy duty overalls (or better, such as leathers) MUST be worn.